Holy Land Documentary Special Religious Freedom Coalition January 24, 2003 12:17PM EST
HOLY LAND TERROR: Islamic Persecution of Christians A Documentary Film Featuring William J. Murray
In 2002 William J. Murray traveled to the contested areas of the West Bank not only to report on the condition of Christians caught up in the fighting, but to reach out a helping hand to them.
Amidst the Israeli tanks guarding Jewish settlers and the buses torn apart by suicide bombers he found a truth that the Western world does not want to hear, a truth the Western media will not report. In this documentary William J. Murray talks to the family of an Ethiopian Christian girl who was killed in the suicide bombing of a bus. He talks to a Western Bank businessman whose best friend was murdered by those who are sworn to protect.
Murray clearly describes the situation of the 185,000 Christian Palestinians still remaining in the West Bank. He also examines the condition of the Christian schools in the West Bank that must somehow educate Christian children and protect them from the culture of death that is a way of life in Muslim controlled areas. Holy Land: Islamic Persecution of Christians is a must see! Approx. 30 minutes - VHS
Plus a second Holy Land documentary
HOLY LAND: Christians In Peril A documentary Film by Pierre Rehov
One of the most important aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has been overlooked is the plight of Christians in the Holy Land. Christians in the Palestinian territories have dropped from 15 percent of the Arab population in 1950 to just two percent today. This Christian exodus is a result of many factors, including the fighting between Israelis and Palestinians, the related decline of the economy, but perhaps most significantly, the religious persecution these Christians encounter from their Muslim neighbors.
English-speaking French journalist Pierre Rehov addresses this alarming trend in his new film, The Holy Land: Christians in Peril. The film is a documentary containing interviews with Christians as well as exclusive footage showing how dangerous their situation is under Islamic rule. 40 Minutes VHS format.
Normally $19.95 ... Now both for just $35.00 ... click below!
Both for just $35.00 including shipping! |
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