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Week Ending April 20, 2007 - Washington, DC
April 20, 2007 11:25PM EST

April 20, 2007
Week Ending April 20, 2007 - Washington, DC

Today is Hokie Hope Day - Click here for details

The President at Virginia Tech / Partial Birth Abortion victory / Business wants more illegals / Eradication of Slavery Act and Parents Tax Relief bills in the House / Senator Reid says he is for and against partial birth abortion / Virginia Tech victims list / More on the PBA victory / RFC's Bob Armstrong returns from Iraq

VIRGINIA TECH - President George W. Bush spoke at the convocation held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute for the 32 slain faculty and students. My daughter Katie, who is a student at Virginia Tech was present to hear the President's message of condolence and hope. Virginia Gove rnor Tim Kaine, who served as a missionary in his youth, spoke of the torment of Job in his remarks on the horrific events at Virginia Tech. Katie was on her way to class at when the shooting began. She was on the phone to me telling me about the first shooting when students began leaving campus as news spread of the second shooting at Norris. One of Katie's sorority sisters was killed and several of her friends wounded in the attack. (Please see Religion and Culture for further comments.)

PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION VICTORY - President George W. Bush issued a statement of appreciation this week for the 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court in favor of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. (See Religion and Culture below) Without the appointment of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito by President Bush the decision would have been in favor of the vile destruction of viable human life. In the past the Justice whom Alito replaced, Sandra Day O'Connor, had voted 100% pro-abortion.

MORE AND MORE ILLEGALS - Bloomberg - a major business news service - reports that more than fifty (50) business groups have joined with President Bush to push Congress into giving amnesty to the more than 10 million unskilled laborers who have entered the United States illegally rather than expanding programs of legal entry. Business wants cheap labor. The article explains the business position that restaurants, hotels and other industries cannot find enough cheap labor because of the low birth rate in the United States. Business associations do not want the entrance of skilled labor to the United States because many of those jobs, like reading your X-rays, can be out-sourced to nations such as India electronically. Cli ck here for Bloomberg article.

ERADICATION OF SLAVERY ACT This week Congressma n Chris Smith (R-NJ) will reintroduce the Eradication of Slavery Act of 2007. The bill has the simple purpose of establishing an independent commission to monitor the eradication of slavery in the Sudan. At the end of the war on the Christian south there were still as many as 200,000 Christian slaves held in the Muslim north. Many of the female slaves have been repeatedly raped and many now have children. The commission would monitor the return of slaves to the south as called for under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement which ended the war. Please contact you congressman about this important legislation.

PARENTS' TAX RELIEF ACT OF 2007 - Congressman Lee Terry (R-NE) has introduced the Parents' Tax Relief Act of 2007 (HR 1421) which features seven extremely pro-family amendments to current tax laws. The bill would extend Social Security coverage to a parent who stays home to raise a child by giving that parent 10 years of credits. Currently a stay-at-home mother could find herself with little or no Social Security should her husband die after the children are grown. The bill would also extend the $1,000 per child tax credit that is set to expire in 2010 and completely eliminate the marriage penalty tax. With Queen Nancy Pelosi in charge of the House it will be extremely difficult to move this legislation forward

REID FOR AND AGAINST PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) voted for the partial Birth Abortion Ban calling it the right thing to do. He also voted to confirm the appointment of Justice Samuel Alito. Now he is publicly condemning the Supreme Court and Justice Alito for upholding a law that he voted for. There is a political reality here .... and billionaire George Soros have taken over ownership of the Democratic Party. They have dropped Senator Hillary Clinton and have put their money behind Barack Obama and pushed him to almost a tie with her in Presidential polls. Senator Reid can no longer afford to have any independence in thought and must follow the commands of his owner, George Soros.

Click here for larger image of Katie and William Murray at PBA signing VIRGINIA TECH VICTIMS LIST - Click here The last victim listed, Maxine Turner was a sorority sister of my daughter Katie

SUPREME COURT VICTORY - In 2003 my wife Nancy, my daughter Katie and I attended the signing of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban into law by President George W. Bush at a conference room in the Ronald Reagan Center. The setting was appropriate considering that Ronald Reagan was the only president to write a book against abortion. The law never took effect because it was immediately blocked by lawsuits filed by the abortion industry. This week the Supreme Court in a landmark 5-4 decision ruled that the government of the United States had a legitimate right to protect viable human life. This victory will not overturn Roe v Wade, but it immediately stopped the brutal murder of full term babies at the hands of vile profiteers in the abortion industry. Cli ck here to read the Court's actual decision

BOB RETURNS SAFELY FROM IRAQ - Bob Armstrong, our legislative director, has returned safely from Iraq where he assisted in the delivery of a transmitter for a Christian radio station. He also visted the Sudan on this mission trip. We are in the process of preparing a full report on his mission and it will be made available online early next week.

CHRISTIAN INTERNET STORE - There are literally tens of thousands of Christian theme items available at our affiliate store including jewelry from the Holy Land. It is a great place to shop for gifts. The store is located at Please help us with our various projects on Capitol Hill and in the Holy Land by shopping at our affiliate Christian Superstore . Contributions to the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition can be made at
phone: 202.742.8990

William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition, PO Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013 - (202) 742.8990 This publication is a service of the Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC). Links to political and other sites are for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsement. No statement is intended to assist or defeat any candidate running for public office. Religious Freedom Coalition * Copyright - 2007

 Religious Freedom Coalition
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