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Week ending September 18, 2009 - Washington, DC
September 18, 2009 5:24PM EST

September 18, 2009
September 18, 2009 - Washington, DC

Racism and "inciting violence" / Jimmy Carter: Racists oppose Obama / Nancy Pelosi: Disagreeing with Obama incites violence / ACORN cracked at last? / Socialist in Congress tries to end DOMA / Major victory for prayer and religious freedom in Florida / They are still communist thugs

SEPTEMBER 18, 2009 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new September 18, 2009 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. This issue contains more information about our work on Capitol Hill with the 111th Congress, and also about our work on international issues. Help your Sunday School class understand these issues better. Print out and distribute the Chairman's Report to your class or fellowship this Sunday! Click here to review.

IF YOU DISAGREE WITH OBAMA, YOU ARE A RACIST - That statement came out of the mouth of former President Jimmy Carter who leans toward antisemitism and promotes the destruction of Israel. Carter is a man who feels more at home with the terror group HAMAS in the Gaza Strip than in his home state of Georgia. He made a point of referring to "southern" racism in his remarks. He is not alone in using the race card against those who disagree with Obama. New York Times and Washington Post columnists as well as leaders in the Congressional Black Caucus have made the same statement. Please note that the Congressional Black Caucus is a racist organization with no white members. My message to the far left: Please keep playing the race card -- please! Barack Obama was elected by white independent voters, most of whom don't like the left's health care proposals. My message to the far left media: Be bold about calling those independent white voters bigots. Tell those independent voters that they are racists and that they are prone to violence. Get the charge up on the national media and keep it as loud as possible. With that drumbeat of hatred toward white independent voters, I am sure conservatives can take back the House and the Senate. See my Youtube clip

PELOSI: IF YOU OPPOSE OBAMA YOU INCITE VIOLENCE - According to Nancy Pelosi, I am "inciting violence" by opposing anything that is promoted by Barack Obama. OK then. What about Operation Pink, the left wing anti-war group that opposes the Afghan war which Barack Obama intends to expand? When Code Pink leader Medea Benjamin denounced Obama's Afghan war plans, was she promoting violence as well? OH ... I get it. It is only conservatives who promote violence when they disagree with Obama. Here is my advice to left wing lunatic Nancy Pelosi: YOU GO GIRL ... Keep telling those white independent voters that elected Barack Obama that they are racist and violent. I will do all I can to help Nancy Pelosi spread her derogatory remarks about middle of the road independent voters who have some disagreements with Obama.

ACORN CRACKED? - Both the House and the Senate have now voted to stop funding ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) because of undercover videos showing workers assisting individuals to cheat on taxes; get fraudulent loans; and assist in sex slavery of underage girls. Despite the clear evidence of criminal activity, seventy-five congressmen and seven Senators voted to continue funding ACORN. Virtually all of the congressmen who voted to continue funding were members of the Progressive Caucus. Most members of that caucus support the legalization of prostitution, homosexual marriage, and legalization of drugs such as marijuana. Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) not only voted for ACORN, but later stated that barring funds from this criminal enterprise was "unconstitutional." More Nadler below:

LIBERALS TRY TO SINK DOMA - Jerry Nadler (D-New York) announced he will introduce a bill to repeal the Defense of of Marriage Act (DOMA). This is a law which I worked to help pass during the Clinton presidency in 1996, and it defines marriage, for federal purposes, as between a man and a woman. It also ensures that states will not be forced to recognize same sex marriages. And where did Mr. Nadler make his announcement about the new attempt to overturn DOMA? Read all about it at the Socialist Worker Internet site!

MAJOR PRAYER VICTORY - The outcome the ACLU wanted was clear. They demanded that two men be put in jail for saying grace before a meal in a public building. This time they lost, but it was in a Florida court, not a California court. The men, Frank Lay and Robert Freeman, were defended by Mat Staver, who founded the Liberty Counsel (See his news release) The ACLU wanted them jailed because they worked for a public school district. This is not over. Congressman Randy Forbes who heads the Prayer Caucus in Congress said, "Today it is the school employees in Santa Rosa County. Tomorrow it could be your kid's high school coach, your school's athletic sponsors, or your spouse. If we do not stand up today for our liberties and the right of all Americans to pray according to their faith, our children and grandchildren will have no foundation left on which to pray."

SEPTEMBER 18, 2009 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new September 18, 2009 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. This issue contains more information about our work on Capitol Hill with the 111th Congress, and also about our work on international issues. Help your Sunday School class understand these issues better. Print out and distribute the Chairman's Report to your class or fellowship this Sunday! Click here to review.

PLEASE VISIT OUR STORE - We have a great Internet store with thousands of books, CD's, DVD's, and even Christian jewelry ... OK ... We are not as cheap as Amazon, but we don't sell porn and Satanic cult materials either. Please check out or store!

THIS IS SCARY - A large group of Hollywood stars, on video, stated: "I pledge to be a servant of our president." The pledge of the group comes at the end of the video. To get there you have to listen to the word "change" being used so many times it is sort of sickening and you just want to turn it off. I have seen lots of soviet communist and Nazi propaganda films, and this falls right into that category. See Youtube Clip

MAKE COMMENTS - You can make comments on this and other articles in these updates at

CHINA: STILL COMMUNIST THUGS - Sales of GM cars increased in China by 64% last quarter, so the Communists must be really good guys now. Think again. On Sunday, September 13 more than 400 communists with red armbands broke into the Good News Cloth Shoes Factory and destroyed all equipment and inventory. The factory is on the grounds of Fushan Church in Linfin City. Two bulldozers then destroyed the building's foundations The mob then beat Fushun church members, sending many to the hosptial. Why ? The communists just don't want to see any Christian enterprises prosper. Hindu mobs did the same thing in Orissa, India this year as did Muslim mobs in Pakistan. I bet you didn't here about these attacks from any "mainstream media" in the USA. Read about the attack here

PETITION TO HILLARY CLINTON ON IRAQI CHRISTIANS - Read and sign the Internet petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The petition urges Clinton to direct our embassies to assist Christians who have fled Islamic terror in Iraq. The petition is located at

GIFTS FROM A CHRISTIAN STORE How about birthday or anniversary gifts with a Christian theme? Our Internet Christian Super Store has tens of thousands of books, CD's DVD's, jewelry, food and more. AND ... Our store does not sell the atheist and satanist books that you will find on When you buy from our store, you help our work. Please take a look at our store today at

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William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition, PO Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013 - (202) 742.8990 This publication is a service of the Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC). Links to political and other sites are for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsement. No statement is intended to assist or defeat any candidate running for public office. Religious Freedom Coalition * Copyright - 2009

 Religious Freedom Coalition
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