DEATH TO CHRISTIANS The 6,000,000 Muslims who live in the United States claim to be "moderate" and "tolerant". This may be true--as long as Muslims are a small percentage of the population. However, the examples of dozens of other nations in the world teach us that as soon as the Muslim population in the United States hits the twenty-five percent mark, the intimidation and violent attacks on Christians and Jews will start. When the Muslim population hits about one-third in some population centers in the United States, there will be murders of Christians to force them to abandon their homes and leave the area. As soon as any portion of the United States becomes more than fifty percent Muslim, the mass murders and the genocide will begin.
The violence against Christians has been the worst on the Moluccan or Maluku Islands. On those islands, Christians are given a choice by Muslim clerics: "convert or die." Christians are taken captive, and if they refuse to convert to Islam, they are beheaded. Since January of 1999 more than 5,000 Christians have been murdered and 250,000 driven from their homes by Muslim violence. This is the kind of "tolerance" that can be expected in nations where the majority is Muslim. As Christians die worldwide at the hands of Muslims, our beloved American president, Bill Clinton, sends American troops to places like Kosovo to protect Muslims and assist them in their evil plan to dominate the earth with forced conversations. DEATH TO NON-MUSLIMS The Associated Press carried a Christmas story about Algerian "rebels" who had burst into an Algerian discotheque and slashed the throat of a 23-year-old pop singer. Two members of her band were dragged off and never seen again. Thirteen others were injured in the attack by the "rebels". At least eleven other people were killed during the Christmas period bringing the death toll for Ramadan to 240 dead, mostly singers, journalists and intellectuals. Who are these "rebels" the Associated Press refers to? The rebels are Muslims gangs who want to destroy the secular government of Algeria. In virtually every nation where there is a Muslim majority there was violence against Christians and Jews during Ramadan. In Jolo, Philippines, a Roman Catholic priest on his way to buy Christmas presents was shot and killed by a Muslim "rebel." Southern France is turning into a battleground as Algerian Muslims fight for their "rights". The Muslim idea of "rights" means the ability to force their religious views upon others. There are now five million Muslims in southern France. How long before they demand a separate government, the kind of separate government the leftists in France now propose for Muslims in Israel? DEATH IN BETHLEHEM In Israel, Muslim leaders such as Arafat pretend that the "religious war" is really Muslims and Christians against Jews. Iraqi dictator Sadam Hussein gave a "Christmas message" calling Christians and Muslims to a holy war of destruction against the Jews and the "Great Satan," America. The reality is different. Since the takeover of Bethlehem by Arafat’s Muslim government, almost all Arab Christians have been forced to move. At one time, Bethlehem had the largest Christian population in Israel. Virtually no one showed up in Bethlehem's Manger Square on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The violence during the "holy" month of Ramadan had been so bad that most Christians planning a pilgrimage canceled their plans. Although this past Christmas was the symbolic 2000th anniversary of the Savior’s birth, few Christians visited Bethlehem. To get into the tiny town Christians had to pass three military roadblocks, two put up by Israel and one by the Palestinian Authority. Israel warned that if there was violence they would have to cut off the town and any worshippers remaining there would be stranded. MODERATE MUSLIMS? In Afghanistan anyone identifying himself or herself as a Christian may not live to see the next twenty-four hours. Not a word of criticism has come forth from the mouth of Senator Hillary Clinton on the abuse of women in Muslim strongholds such as Afghanistan. Women may not go to school or even hold jobs in Afghanistan and many other Muslim nations. Where is the outrage from Senator Clinton, a woman who criticizes the conservative Christians in the United States as being anti-woman? The treatment of Christians is not an aberration confined to Indonesia, Sudan, Algeria or Afghanistan. The reason we don’t see stories about the persecution of Christians in more "moderate" nations such as Saudi Arabia is because they are for the most part all dead! Christians can live in Muslim nations only if they are not openly Christian and do not share their faith with others. In most Muslim nations the punishment for trying to convert someone from the Muslim faith is death. Any Muslim who renounces Islam also faces the death penalty. THANK YOU, BILL C. Thanks to Bill Clinton and his use of the United States military, Muslims now have a stronghold in Europe to train terrorists. Already Muslim fighters have started operating out of Kosovo. The Muslims are attacking not only police units but even church buildings in Serbia. News reports from the major media did not make it clear that the Muslim population of Kosovo is made up almost entirely of illegal immigrants who had flooded into the country within the last two decades from neighboring Albania. Now that Kosovo is predominately Muslim, the Christians whose families had lived there for untold generations are being forced out. Since NATO, led by America, gave Kosovo to the Albanian Muslims, 80% of the Christian Serbs have been forced out and more than 100 churches have been destroyed. As Kosovo under the protection of the American military becomes a "pure" Muslim state, the tentacles of Islamic violence move into neighboring nations. THE REALITY OF ISLAMIC VIOLENCE There is no such thing as "moderate" Islam. Even conservative Christian leaders tend to pretend that there is such a thing as "moderate" Islam. In what Islamic nation is this "moderation" practiced? How about Iran or Iraq? The Sudan or Saudi Arabia? Pakistan or Algeria? Where? Where was there ever a "moderate" Islamic government? The secular government of Turkey is in reality held captive by the radical Muslim majority. The large Christian and Jewish communities that used to live there have vanished. All major churches in Turkey, even those founded by Saint Paul, are now mosques. The next battleground for an Islamic takeover will be southern France. The murders and the intimidation have already begun. Meanwhile, the leftist French government sticks its head in the sand and tries to outlaw conservative political parties. MEANWHILE IN AMERICA Christians may not be able to pray or celebrate Christmas in public schools, but Muslim kids can pray and celebrate Ramadan. In New York City the Board of Education allows Muslims to pray in school in the name of "diversity". One Brooklyn high school allows Islamic students to be 15 minutes late for class so they can attend prayer in the school auditorium which has been turned into a makeshift mosque. In the same school district, one of the high schools had a mural dedicated to students who had died. In November, the school board ordered it to be painted over. Why? Because Jesus Christ was featured in it. At Lafayette High School in the same Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn, Muslims are allowed not only to pray but they also receive special permission to come late to class. A pass written for Muslim students by Lafayette Principal Kenneth Sinclair says, "The above named student will be participating in Ramadan every day though December 22, 2000. He will be approximately ten minutes late to his/her 7th period class." Special prayer times were also set aside for Muslim children at Brooklyn Tech and International High School in Island City, Queens. Neither the ACLU nor Americans United For Separation of Church and State have filed complaints or threatened to file lawsuits because of the practice. Meanwhile, the ACLU forced the Newton County, Georgia school district to remove the word Christmas from their Internet site. From now on the site will say "semester break" instead of "Christmas Holiday." Also, Little Rock, Arkansas was forced to change the name of its annual Christmas parade to the "Holiday Parade". In Saint Petersburg, Florida the police department banned any display at police stations that had a "religious holiday connotation." Also just in time for Christmas the ACLU bragged that it had forced the removal of a World War I memorial from the Mojave National Preserve in California because it was in the shape of a cross and therefore promoted religion. One former serviceman, John Sandleman, when he was interviewed said, "Many thousands of men and women have died in war to protect the civil liberties of Americans. It is very sad that we cannot remember them the way we wish." Yes it is sad, Mr. Sandleman. If it were an Islamic symbol at risk I am sure President Clinton would have sent troops to defend it. MORE DOUBLE STANDARDS During the last election Vice President Al Gore campaigned at Greater Grace Temple in Detroit where he was endorsed by the pastor, Bishop Charles Ellis, III. He was presented with a jacket with the church logo on one side and "President Al Gore" on the other. At the Alfred Road Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, President Bill Clinton campaigned for Senator Chuck Robb. He told the congregation that Robb was a "political comrade in arms who urgently needs black votes." At one New York Church the pastor replaced the word "Satan" in a hymn with the word Lazio when Hillary Clinton was campaigning there. During the time that the liberal media beat up on Governor George Bush for being too public about his Christian faith, they turned a blind eye toward the escapades of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton in black churches. In Florida, thousands of blacks who had never voted before were taken to the polls in church vans to vote. Only those who promised to vote for Al Gore could get the free ride to the polls. The IRS is not interested in these violations of "church and state separation." Under the Clinton Administration, the IRS has audited hundreds of conservative churches and Christian organizations; meanwhile churches which promote Democratic candidates face no scrutiny. FINAL ELECTION WORD About 59% of born-again Christian voters actually voted in November. Of those born-again Christians who did vote, 57% voted for Bush and 42% for Gore. The Barna Group ( estimates that Bush defeated Gore among born-again voters by 7.1 million votes. Bush received about 27 million votes from self described "born-again" voters. That much was in the news. Here’s the part the mainstream media did not report: Bush carried 58% to Gore’s 40% in the more liberal mainline denominations (American Baptist, Episcopal, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church USA, Evangelical Lutheran and United Methodists). Gore won in non-mainstream churches with a slim 51% to 48%. Most analysts were surprised at this but I was not. Most blacks attend non-mainline churches and born-again blacks voted 92% to 7% in favor of Al Gore. If the black born-again vote is removed from the totals, the Bush win among born-again Christians would be reported as a landslide. Among born-again Christians, 64% of men; 66% of college graduates; 61% of married couples and 70% of whites voted for Governor Bush. Among white born-again Christians, the driving issue was abortion. With that in mind I find it odd that black born-again Christians who suffer the most from the curse of abortion voted 92% for a pro-abortionist such as Al Gore. JUST SHUT UP, JESSE Americans have had enough of the blatant racism of "Rev" Jesse Jackson. His constant lies during the last election along with his "call to the streets" in Florida were enough to show that Jackson is interested in publicity and power and not the interests of black Americans. Had people died in the demonstrations he called for I am sure Jackson would have smeared blood upon himself and called for even more violence. The time for bigots like "Rev" Jesse Jackson has come and gone. Now it is time for Jesse to go. America has enough pro-abortion loud mouth bigots who want to promote the death and brutality of abortion among minorities. Jesse Jackson needs to take his thirteen pieces of silver from Planned Parenthood and his payoff from the Hollywood perverts and move on. THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES FRAUD! In the past I have debated the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, Robert Edgar, on the radio. The Rev. Edgar is a man who, like Al Gore, refers to his "faith tradition." "Faith Tradition" is a liberal code phrase that means: "I believe all religions are true and equal, that Christ and Mohammed and every other religious figure in history carried the true word because all words are true and all things are equal and all beliefs are really the same." The National Council of Churches is supposed to represent almost all of the major evangelical churches. Last year the NCC endorsed the Christian Declaration of Marriage principally because all 35 member churches define marriage as "a holy union of one man and one woman." In November of 2000 Rev. Edgar removed his signature of endorsement from the Christian Declaration of Marriage under pressure from the homosexual element that dominates the NCC. Rev. James V. Heidinger who is president of the United Methodist Good News said, "They are totally outside the Christian Church's foundational teaching about marriage. It is little wonder the NCC struggles to survive." This did not stop the United Methodists from giving $400,000 in advance dues to the financially troubled NCC. In their news release the Methodists said, "The $400,000 for the NCC is an advance on the church’s NCC allocation for 2001-2004 from the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund." Meanwhile the honesty of the liberal National Council of Churches is in question. What happened to the "black church burning" money the NCC collected? During 1996 and 1997 the NCC ran a campaign to rebuild black churches burned by what they termed as racists. This was a mega-media covered event that was championed by the NCC. It turns out that even the "black church burnings" was all a hoax. The Institute of Religion and Democracy disclosed the facts. There are about 490 churches which burn down each year. The vast majority of these are not arson cases. Since 20% of all churches are predominately black, about 100 black churches should statistically be expected to burn down for one reason or another each year. But, the fact is that there have never been even close to 100 black churches burn down in one year. The whole thing was an NCC lie. The NCC "black church burning" hoax was a vehicle to rave against conservative Christian organizations while trying to raise money to cover deficits. Of the $9.1 million raised by the NCC to rebuild black churches, more than $2.7 million cannot be accounted for. In 1997 the NCC had a budget shortfall of $1.6 million, and $1.5 million in 1998. When the Burned Churches Fund stopped raising money in 1999, the NCC deficit ballooned to $4 million. Now the NCC is begging churches such as the Methodist to give them advance dues payments to meet the bills. Edgar has laid off 17 of the staff of 64 and now wants to "expand" the organization to other religions (faith traditions). Meanwhile the National Church Arson Task Force found that most churches suffering arson are white, not black, and not even 10% of actual arson cases had anything to do with "hate". Perhaps the Rev. Edgar should call it quits for the NCC and get a job as a lobbyist for homosexual activists since that seems to be what he is actually doing now anyway. THE ATHEIST CONVENTION As usual the atheists will hold their convention this year during Easter. It has been a tradition of the atheists to hold their annual convention during Easter since American Atheists was founded. This year the atheist convention will be held at the Marriott Airport Hotel in Orlando, Florida. Because I was myself raised in an atheist home, going to these conventions to tell the atheists about Jesus has been a major part of my ministry. This year is no exception. In past years I have run anywhere from a half to a full page advertisement in the newspapers where the atheists have held their conventions. In these ads I tell the community the truth about the atheist mission to their city while at the same time telling the atheists about Jesus. Please be in prayer as we plan our events in Florida to witness to the atheists and to undo the lies told about our Savior by the atheists during their convention. THIS NEWSLETTER The December, 2000 issue of the William J. Murray Report was almost the last issue. I have published a ministry newsletter for twenty years. The name of the publication has been changed three times, but the format has stayed just about the same. The newsletter has been very popular but has never made any money for the ministry. Each month we get dozens of "add me to your mailing list" requests, many of these from pastors and churches. Unfortunately many of those who tell me they enjoy the newsletter and find it informative never send contributions to the ministry nor do they purchase books or tapes. As a result I was forced to make a decision to stop publishing the newsletter or cut thousands of people off the newsletter mailing list. Costs continue to rise. Postage is going up again in 2001. Printing costs are rising as well. Simply put, we can no longer add people on to receive the newsletter who do not contribute to the work of the ministry. We cannot honor any more "put me on your mailing list" requests unless a contribution to the work of the ministry is made with the request.
Most Americans probably think of Christian persecution as something that happened in ancient Rome, when Christians were thrown to the lions for public entertainment. However, the tragic reality is that more Christians died for their faith in the 20th century than in the previous 19 centuries combined. Nina Shea’s well documented book, In the Lion’s Den, gives eye witness accounts of the tremendous suffering and death inflicted on Christians in communist and Islamic countries. More than that, it tells what America’s Christians must do to help stop the persecution. $15.00 postage paid. Please send check to William J. Murray Report, P.O. Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013 and mention offer 01N01. Credit Card orders please call (800) 650-7664. For latest on Muslim tolerance see this report on Fox News. |