The Atheist Convention A Final Note
Once again the annual atheist convention was held this past Easter weekend. As usual this ministry had a presence, but not the presence I would have wanted. There was a key part of the ministry service missing at the convention. When possible I like to rent a meeting room inside the hotel occupied by the atheists. I then ask local ordained ministers to take shifts in the meeting room to make themselves available to talk with the atheists at their convention. This year that was impossible. Beginning many months before the atheist convention was to take place I wrote to virtually every evangelical church in the Orlando area seeking pastors to witness to the atheists at the convention. There was no response. About two months prior to the convention I called many of the more active Baptist and other evangelical churches close to the site of the atheist convention asking for their participation with our ministry. Many of the pastors, particularly those with large churches, never returned my calls. Those pastors with whom I was able to talk, told me that they could not participate for a variety of reasons. Some pastors said their churches were so small that they did not have the staff to take time off to help at the atheist convention. Others told me that their churches were so large that they demanded their full attention during Easter, particularly with special programs. In any event, I could not find a single pastor in Orlando who could spare the time to tell a nonbeliever about Jesus. I would not have had any help were it not for dedicated RFC supporters. The only ordained man to come forward was Rev. Alan Woody, a minister who is the founder of Mission Possible and who works with troubled youth in Citrus County. He is also a long time faithful supporter of RFC. Brother Woody made his way to Orlando and actually booked his hotel room in the atheist hotel. This wonderful man of God spent all three days of the atheist convention inside their hotel passing out salvation tracts and speaking to them on a one on one basis. In addition, some ladies who are strong prayer warriors and faithful friends of this ministry flew to Orlando from New York to meet with and minister to the atheists. Without the help of Rev. Woody and these ladies, there would have been no presence inside the atheist hotel. One lone figure, a man with a cross stood vigil outside the hotel as well. Because of the power of the symbol of the cross many of the atheists came outside to ridicule him. Our advertisement inviting the atheists to Christ did appear in the Saturday edition of the Orlando Sentinel the week of the atheist convention. Because of the cost of the advertising space we were able to purchase only a third page vertical ad and that cost $15,000! God knows His business well! When our witness team meet at the Denny’s restaurant just up the street from the Mariott, one of the waitresses told us she was a supporter of the ministry and had actually sent a contribution to help pay for the ad that appeared in the newspaper. This dear lady had helped to pay for that $15,000 ad from her tip money. Praise God for wonderful Christ centered people such as her. Inverness, Florida While in Florida I spoke at a rally at the First United Methodist Church in Inverness, Florida. Four of the five school board members were present. Number five was not there because she is the problem. Carol Snyder is a new comer to Florida. When she got there she announced she was a God-fearing Republican and promptly ran for the school board, spending some of her own money to buy that seat. As soon as she was sworn in she started causing trouble. Although claiming to be a Christian she demanded that the practice of prayer before the meeting be stopped. She also wanted to stop the Fellowship of Christian Athletes from meeting in the schools. When the other board members refused to cooperate with her demands she promptly called in the ACLU to make threats against her fellow school board members. Each time the school board meets, Ms. Snyder motions that the prayer before the meetings be halted. Her motion is never voted on because no other school board member will second her motions. This is why she needs the threat of the ACLU. Ms. Snyder believes that public Christianity is offensive. Like her ACLU backers she believes that anyone who says something she believes offensive should be censored. According to the ACLU it is offensive to say something demeaning about homosexuality, so you can lose your free speech rights. Saying that homosexuality is a sin is offensive and something the ACLU believes can be censored in a public school. However, promoting homosexual behavior in a public school is not offensive, according to the ACLU. In fact if a Christian student finds the homosexual agenda being taught in the school offensive he is homophobic and probably needs "counseling." Counseling here is translated, "Get in line or your grades are going to drop." My message in Inverness was specially written to address this phenomena in our nation of the right "not to be offended". This is the principle under which the freedom of speech of Christians is being destroyed in our nation. Many individuals came to me after the meeting asking if they could have either an audio tape of the message or a written copy. One of my Board members, Bob Armstrong, who was present, told me the message should be placed in a booklet form and made available because it clearly defines this liberal tactic to destroy the free speech right of Christians. I have obtained a copy of the message and have titled it, Is Christianity Offensive? You may have both the written message and the audio tape for a gift to the ministry of just $5.00 this month only. Later the booklet form will be available separately for $1.00 each. INCLUSIVENESS All the liberals say they want is for every crazy idea in the world to be "included" in the society. They call this "inclusive". But that is really a lie. Liberals have always been about division. The liberals want separate events for different peoples. They believe for example that having a Black History month makes Blacks feel like they are more a part of the overall culture. But, we can’t have an Irish history month because that would exclude people. Liberals don’t want anyone to be called an American. They believe that to be "inclusive" Americans need to be broken down by title. Thus an African-American or a Latino-American is more a part of America and more "included" when they have a designator in addition to just American. If you think this does not make sense up to this point it gets even more ridiculous. For years we have been told that lesbians, homosexuals and various other perverts and weirdoes just want "included" as well. In colleges for example just being students does not "include" them. Homosexuals and lesbians are only "included" when they have separate organizations and facilities. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts discriminate because they do not accept homosexuals as members. Homosexual groups that are only for homosexuals on the other hand are "inclusive". A scholarship fund set up only for American Indians (pardon me, Native Americans) is "inclusive". A scholarship fund set up for bright students is discriminatory because it does not give equal opportunity. Have I lost you yet? It gets worse. America’s colleges and universities have led the way in this rather perverse and obviously warped logic. The ultimate extreme comes at graduation time when to be "included" the various racial and social groups have separate graduations. At the University of California there is a separate ceremony for homosexuals and lesbians called the Lavender Graduation. The traditional graduation cap has a rainbow tassel. Last year’s speaker was the mother of well known lesbian Ellen DeGeneres. The Lavender Graduation this year is on June 16th. Getting sick at your stomach yet? It gets worse. Also at the University of California there is a Raza graduation for Latinos (also called Hispanics or Latino-Americans.) Their graduation is on June 17th at 7 p.m., just after separate graduations are held for Filipinos, Asian-Americans and Iranians. American Indians (pardon me again, Native-Americans) hold their graduation first on June 15th, probably to honor their special status as the first Americans. Can you just imagine what would happen if a group of white male Baptists wanted a separate graduation? That would be divisive and even the thought would bring the full weight of the media down upon the school and its administration. If you are looking for the logic in this, there is none. Liberals are just plain nuts and nothing they do really makes any sense other than to be anti-establishment, even when they control the establishment. IS THIS CIVILIZATION? No society can exist in a state of anarchy and the above illustrates the state of anarchy we live in today in America. No nation can exist made up only of subcultures with no one dominant culture. For centuries in America various subcultures existed within the dominant Anglo-Christian culture. From the Hell’s Angels to the Shriners these subcultures not only survived but expanded under the freedom of the dominant Christian culture. They have done so well in fact that there is no longer a dominant culture in America. Today the Untied States is a collection of subcultures, one of which is Christianity. Without a dominant culture a society falters and we see that today with the increase in pornography, white collar crime, adultery, cohabitation, cheating and lying. Demographer George Barna says in his new book, Boiling Point, that the nation has also fallen into a state of spiritual anarchy. He says that, "The Christian Church is struggling to influence the nation’s culture because believers think of themselves as individuals first, Americans second, and Christians third. Until those priorities are rearranged, the Church will continue to lose influence." SEX FOR FUN Planned Parenthood has produced a new Youth Manifesto on sex that not even once mentions the word "parent". The Youth Manifesto, aimed at the world’s youth, tells them sex is for fun. It teaches kids that sex is for "pleasure and confidence". Planned Parenthood says that the goal of the Youth Manifesto is to "recognize the right of all young people to enjoy sex and to express their sexuality in the way they choose." The Youth Manifesto has not received any public mention in the media even though it has been distributed to some schools. It was the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute that first reported on its existence to the general public. In a fax the CFHRI reported, "Unless anyone misses the point, the manifesto presents a case study of a pro-abortion youth group in Rwanda that has confronted religious leaders standing in the way of IPPF's (Planned Parenthood) radical agenda. One Rwandan student said, "With religious leaders it is necessary to confront their religious principles with the rights of young people..." For more than a decade I have constantly pointed out that abortion is about money. Abortion clinics are profit centers and Planned Parenthood is the world’s single biggest abortion provider. The Youth Manifesto produced by Planned Parenthood is about one thing and one thing only-- getting future customers. Planned Parenthood wants young people to "have fun" and "enjoy" sex because they know that this will result in unwanted pregnancies which their abortion clinics can end (for a fee, of course.) A VICTORY FOR OUR SIDE
The Religious Freedom Coalition and many other pro-family organizations in Washington worked hard to pass the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. Upon the passage of the Act on the House side, Majority Leader Dick Armey issued a statement that I thought was so good that I have reprinted it below.
Summary of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act:
The bill, H.R. 503 was authored by Congressman Lindsey Graham (R-SC). A version of this bill was passed in the last session of Congress by the House as well. Unfortunately virtually nothing can be passed in the Senate unless a party controls sixty of the one hundred seats. Republicans, who favor this legislation, hold only fifty seats. Most Democrats hold the position that a child in the womb is only a portion of or an extension of the mother’s body and thus not worthy of any protection under the law. FINAL OBSERVATION On April 28th my wife Nancy and I ran in the Country Music Marathon. This is a 26.3 mile race up and down the hills of Nashville, Tennessee. Both of us finished the race. As a reward to ourselves we went to an ice cream parlor later that night for a Sundae. There I watched one of the most intriguing events I have ever seen. A very well-to-do lady was sitting with her young daughter just two tables away. She and the child were very well dressed and she wore a diamond ring that was at least twenty carats. For a full half hour she talked to someone on her cell phone while the little girl about nine or ten years old, sat quietly eating her Sundae. As they departed the restaurant she was still on her cell phone. At no time did I see this lady talk to her daughter or touch her. I remembered this incident when I got back home to Virginia and had to take a small electronic item back to a store in our local mall. When I got there I discovered that the mall was full of brand new Chevrolets. A local dealer had his best cars on display. What intrigued me most were the high dollar vans and SUV’s. All of them had fold down flat panel television sets pointed to the back rows for the kids to watch TV. I thought of the lady in the ice cream parlor. With one of these $40,000 vehicles, she would not even have to talk to her little girl on the way to the ice cream parlor. We are truly in a state of anarchy in America today, at a national level, a church level and a family level. One of the main reasons is that parents are too busy to talk to their children, to pass on the beliefs and traditions that have been passed down for so many generations. And too many churches are failing to help parents really teach their children about the Bible and the Christian faith. The church is mainly just a place to go and meet friends and have a good time, particularly for teens. You no longer have to bother putting on nice clothes, and it’s O.K. to leave your Bible at home, too. Meanwhile the world tells the kids that life is about having fun with sex and the nations’ parents are too busy providing the "good life" for their kids to even talk to them. NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER On the National Day of Prayer, May 3, 2001 I was asked to pray for our national leaders on the steps of the Commonwealth of Virginia Capitol Building in Richmond, Virginia. Below is the text of the prayer delivered that day: Our Father in heaven, our great Provider, On this special day of national prayer, declared by our President, we humbly come before you. Our nation is in despair. We begin this new century with born-again believing Christians representing only one out of every three adults. The history of our nation has been distorted and twisted. Our school text books depict our great Christian founders as agnostics and Deists. Of the 56 signers of our Declaration of Independence, 27 were ordained ministers, yet our religious heritage is disregarded. Our children are taught that the Pilgrims came to America for economic opportunity. In our schools, children are not even told that Dr. Martin Luther King was an ordained minister and preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Forgive us Father for the great transgression of ignoring the foundations of our past. Forgive us for secularizing this nation. Father, we humbly ask that you touch the hearts of our leaders and guide them to return this nation to the path you set through the Founders. This nation has a believer, a man who humbles himself before you, as our President. We ask for your protection of him and your hand of guidance upon him as he endeavors to lead our great nation on a path of righteousness, honor and duty. We humbly ask you to touch the hearts of those in the national Senate and House that they may follow your will and not the will of those who would erase every reference to our godly heritage from our books and monuments and from the hearts of the people. Guide us through this year as citizens; guide our leaders thorough this year as your servants.
How are so-called reformers in the public schools trying to turn kids into "world citizens"--a new kind of people with beliefs completely different from those of their parents and grandparents? John Stormer, author of the best selling None Dare Call It Treason, explains how in another provocative, hard hitting book, None Dare Call It Education. Stormer discusses twelve foundational beliefs once taken for granted in America, including the sovereignty of God over government, the sanctity of life, of marriage and of the family, the sanctity of private property and of contracts, the importance of national sovereignty and patriotism, and more. He shows how textbooks and curriculums are deliberately designed to destroy these foundational beliefs and to undermine respect for parents and traditional values. If you have friends or family members who cannot understand the importance of Christian schools or home schooling, this book will convince them! Paperback, 280 pages. For your copy of None Dare Call It Education, send a gift of $15.00 or more to: The William J. Murray Report, P. O. Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013. For credit card orders call (800) 650-7664. |