Week Ending June 8, 2007 - Washington, DC June 8, 2007 5:17PM EST
June 8, 2007 |
Week Ending June 8, 2007 - Washington, DC
Meeting with Gov. Mike Huckabee / President Bush to veto funding for embryonic stem cell bill / Bush Amnesty bill fails in the Senate / Modern-Day Slavery Act introduced / More bad news for Nancy Pelosi / Congressional approval ratings hit low / Senate Republican badly damaged / William Murray to appear on TBN twice in next two weeks / The Code - What is it? / New Ambassador for Trafficking in Persons office
The June 6th edition of William Murray's Chairman's Report is now online. Click here to view the PDF edition!
RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE- On Wednesday, June 5th, I spent a great deal of time with Governor Mike Huckabee who is running for president. The media in their zeal to annoint a front runner have done their best to ignore him, but people are really beginning to listen to his message. How can I tell? Over 100 people paid $500 to $5000 each to come to a reception for him on the Hill this week. Meanwhile the receptions for two other presidential candidates had to be cancelled here in the last two weeks for lack of interest. Many are hoping former Senator Fred Thompson will jump in and save the GOP from Rudy Giuliani. The reality is that Huckabee is quietly climbing the latter of popular support.
STEM CELL VETO - As he promised, President George W. Bush will veto the Stem Cell Bill that is being sent to him next week because it would allow tax dollars to be used to experiment with and destroy viable human life. Meanwhile researchers have discovered a way to convert adult cells to stem cells back to an embryonic state making the the whole point mute. Click here for White House statement.
AMNESTY FAILS - The President's "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill" spearheaded for him by Senator Ted Kennedy has failed. The bill would have given legal status to as many as 12,000,000 illegals. See Senate section for details.
MODERN SLAVERY - On may 24, 2007 HR- 2522, a bill to establish a Commission on the Abolition of Modern-Day Slavery was introduced by Congressmen John Lewis (D- GA) and Chris Smith (R-NJ). If enacted, a new commission would advise the Congress on how to best fight the spread of modern slavery, including the trafficking of women and children for forced prostitution. This is a good bill and I urge you to contact your congressman about it.
STEM CELL MADNESS- As promised, the radical leadership of the House has passed a bill allowing for the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research that allows for the destruction of viable human life. The funding is not necessary for research; numerous private companies fund this type of research. In addition there has never been any success with embryonic stem cells, while numerous medical cures have been brought about with adult stem cells. Why the waste of tax dollars? The abortion industry needs this law as proof that an unborn child is not a human being. Because I will be in California on TBN on June 14th I can't be at the White House veto ceremony of this horrible anti-life bill, but my wife Nancy will be able to take my place.
BAD NEWS FOR PELOSI - Radical left wing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi continues to see her poll numbers drop. Despite the corruption at the end of the last Republican Congress, the new Democrat Congress has managed to take poll ratings to an all time low. Only 29% of Americans now have a positive opinion of the House under Pelosi. Most Americans believe used car salesmen are more honest than congressmen.
AMNESTY FAILS - The McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill failed by a wide margin. Under Senate rules, 60 votes were needed to bring the bill forward for a final vote. The amnesty bill received just 45 votes. Both Democrat and Republican backers of the bill fell out after various amendments made it less palatable to both sides. Click here for details.
SENATE REPUBLICANS BADLY DAMAGED - A Washington Times story today detailed some of the damage done to Republican Senators such as John Kyl (R-AZ) Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ) for pushing the Immigration bill conjured up by the White House and Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) But the damage is far deeper and lasting than the article reports. I actually work the Hill side by side with the leaders of other conservative organizations. I have literally seen pushing matches between those representing business who want cheap labor and true conservatives that respect the rule of law. Groups that supported Lindsay Graham in his run for Senate are now recruiting someone to run against him in the next GOP primary and John Kyl's constituents are not saying much to him that can be repeated in print. McCain can kiss any chance he had at winning the GOP presidential nod goodbye. This immigration "initiative" has literally torn the Republican Party to shreds and there is little hope of repair before the next election.
TBN ON THE PLEDGE- On June 14th and then again on July 3rd I will appear on the Trinity Broadcasting Network's "Praise" program to talk about the meaning of "under God" in the Pledge and my new book, The Pledge: One Nation Under God. I will of course be dealing with other issues important to social conservatives as well. The July 3rd patriotic special has already been taped, and I fly to California next week to appear on the June 14th program live. Click here for the official TBN schedule.
THE CODE - Only one of America's major travel industry businesses have signed The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Commerical Sexual Exploitation. The Code calls for these firms not to sell sex tours and not to contract with suppliers who have a reputation for commerical sexual exploitation of children. Although the vast majority of European companies have signed on to the Code, only one USA travel agency chain has, and not a single airline, hotel line or cruise line has signed on. Please contact the airlines and hotel chains you do business with, particularly if you have platinum status. Click here to read The Code.
NEW AMBASSADOR FOR SEX TRAFFICKING - This week I had an opportunity to speak briefly with Dr. Mark Lagon who is the new Ambassador-at- Large and Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP) .The TIP Office coordinates our activities in the global fight against modern-day slavery. Ambassador Lagon is very aggressive and I expect the TIP office to move forward to stop the horror of massive modern slavery in the world.
RFC INTERNATIONAL - Have you read the most recent mission reports about the activities of the Religious Freedom Coalition in Iraq and other areas? On the left side of our homepage at www.rfcnet.org there are links to various mission reports.
CHRISTIAN INTERNET STORE - There are literally tens of thousands of Christian theme items available at our affiliate store including jewelry from the Holy Land. It is a great place to shop for gifts. The store is located at www.rfcstore.com. Please help us with our various projects on Capitol Hill and in the Holy Land by shopping at our affiliate Christian Superstore . Contributions to the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition can be made at www.rfcnet.org.
phone: 202.742.8990
William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition, PO Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013 - (202) 742.8990 This publication is a service of the Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC). Links to political and other sites are for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsement. No statement is intended to assist or defeat any candidate running for public office. Religious Freedom Coalition * Copyright - 2007 | | |
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