Week Ending November 2, 2007 - Washington, DC November 2, 2007 7:20PM EST
November 2, 2007 |
Week Ending November 2, 2007 - Washington, DC
NEW: This e-mail is posted as a blog at MurrayOnTheHill.blogspot.com. You can post comments there!
ALL NEW CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The November 2, 2007 issue of the Chairman's Report is now available online. This all new issue contains information on our fact finding mission to the Middle East. There are photos from the Mission as well as photo links. New Capitol Hill action as well. Click here for the new Chairman's Report.
PRESIDENT SAYS PAY ATTENTION TO OSAMA - In a rather unnoticed interview with a small group of the media, the President said Congress listens too much to George Soros' MoveOn.org. Said Mr. Bush, ""When it comes to funding our troops, some in Washington should spend more time responding to the warnings of terrorists like Osama bin Laden and the requests of our commanders on the ground, and less time responding to the demands of MoveOn.org bloggers and Code Pink protesters." Click here for LA Times story.
IRAQI CHRISTIAN REFUGEES - The State Department is a part of the Bush Administration and thus responsible for the policy of forcing Iraqi refugees to be interviewed by UN personnel rather than by our embassies. This week I made contact directly with the State Department and with a US Senator who also talked to the State Department about this practice. Iraqi Christian refugees are getting a raw deal from the United Nations and this must be stopped.
TEN COMMANDMENTS DECLARATION- Yesterday (Nov 1, 2007) the Religious Freedom Coalition participated in a news conference in the Rayburn House Office Building to promote Congressman Todd Akin's resolution recognizing the importance of the Ten Commandments. HR-598 would set aside May 2nd, 3rd and 4th of 2008 for Ten Commandments recognition. See also: Ten Commandments Commission.
TEN COMMANDMENTS IN THE CAPITOL? Will radical left Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi allow a vote on placing the Ten Commandments in the Capitol Building like they are already displayed in the Supreme Court? Congressman Cliff Stearns (R- FL) earlier this year introduced HCON-12, a sense of the Congress resolution that the Capitol Architect place in a visible location the Ten Commandments.
NEW PRO-LIFE LEADER - Newly elected Congressman Dr. Paul Broun (R-GA) looked me in the eyes and told me it was God who wanted him in Congress because he was there against all odds. That is very true. The entire Georgia Republican political machine tried to defeat him in favor of a state Senator to fill the vacated seat of deceased Congressman Norwood. Congressman Broun is about to introduce his first legislation and it is a pro- life bill that would declare that a human life begins at conception. Dr. Broun is a practicing medical doctor who has come to Washington openly proclaiming his faith. The bill has not as yet "dropped" and I will inform you as soon as there is a bill number. Read it here!
LAW OF THE SEA - LOST, the Law of the Sea treaty favored by President George W. Bush and opposed by every presidential candidate including Mike Huckabee and John McCain, passed out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by a vote of 17 to 4. Senator Norm Coleman voted against the treaty telling me, "Anyone that thinks this can work needs to work at the UN for one year." Under the treaty the UN could control and tax the Mississippi River and all of its tributaries. Most nations in the UN are NOT democracies and have a hatred of the United States. Why do we want to give them jurisdiction over every river and stream that flows into the oceans? Op-ed by Frank Gaffney explains the problem with LOST.
RELIGIOUS BOOKS IN PRISONS - In a previous update I had reported that the Bureau of Prisons had removed all books from the Chapel libraries including those written by me in an effort to stop "extremism." This is code word for the hateful Islamic books that promote murder in the name of religion. The Bureau intended to list 150 books for each religion that were "approved." The Religious Freedom Coalition along with the Prison Fellowship Ministries and others protested. WE WON! All books have been placed back on the shelves with unless they fail one of these four criteria: 1. Is the material religious in nature; 2. Does it jeopardize the safety, security and good order of the institution; 3. Does it facilitate criminal activity; and 4. Could it be used to radicalize or incite inmates to violence. For more information see PFM Justice.
ALL NEW CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The November 2, 2007 issue of the Chairman's Report is now available online. This all new issue contains information on our fact finding mission to the Middle East. There are photos from the Mission as well as photo links. New Capitol Hill action as well. Click here for the new Chairman's Report.
MEXICAN CAN FLY WITH CONTAGIOUS TB - Better not try this if you are an American. Remember the Atlanta attorney that flew once with contagious TB and his photo was all over the news? He was transported by authorities to a hospital and held there under guard. But when a Mexican national flies with the same illness that has killed two in his family, so far our government and the press ignore him. There is virtually no news of this event, just check Goggle ... Read this small story in a North Carolina paper.
THE DEATH OF AN IRAQI CHURCH - During our fact finding mission to the Middle East , I interviewed Iraqi Christians at the Chaldean Catholic Church in Beirut, Lebanon. In the basement of the church a display had been placed on the walls of photos from the church in Iraq. The display started with average middle class family photos taken before Islamic oppression escalated with our invasion, and they show what the conditions are now. I did a video tape of the display and you can view it at Youtube: Click here to view video.
CHRISTIANS ATTACKED IN IRAN - The Farsi Christian News Network is reporting continued torture of Iranian Christians. President Jimmy Carter ordered the Western leaning government out of Iran in favor of the Islamic fascists. Since then the Christian and Jewish populations have been decimated.
HOW TO BEAT YOUR WIFE - Islamic expert on marital relations explains how to properly beat a wife. Click here for complete description.
THE PLEDGE - My most recent book, The Pledge: One Nation Under God has been released and is now available online and at bookstores. The book has a forward by Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO) who is the primary sponsor of the Pledge Protection Act to keep "under God" in the Pledge. Please order The Pledge from the RFC bookstore, as the funds will be used to help fight to keep "under God" in the Pledge. Click here or on Image to learn more.
CHRISTIAN INTERNET STORE - There are literally tens of thousands of Christian theme items available at our affiliate store including jewelry from the Holy Land. It is a great place to shop for gifts. The store is located at www.rfcstore.com. Please help us with our various projects on Capitol Hill and in the Holy Land by shopping at our affiliate Christian Superstore . Contributions to the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition can be made at www.rfcnet.org.
phone: 202.742.8990
William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition, PO Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013 - (202) 742.8990 This publication is a service of the Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC). Links to political and other sites are for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsement. No statement is intended to assist or defeat any candidate running for public office. Religious Freedom Coalition * Copyright - 2007 | | |
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